Saturday, July 9, 2016

What the times call us to do

In the wee small hours of this morning, I awoke to shallow breathing & the night terror - except they weren't the night terrors, but simply a replaying of the past week.  It wasn't the news, but the horrific response of my Facebook friends, particulary to the FBI declining to indict Hillary Clinton for her use of a private e-mail server for State Department business.  The level of loathing & revulsion left me reeling.  And then the shootings, the tragedy in Dallas.  It swept over me, threatened to drown me in grief.

I lay there, snug next to John with a wee small kitty between us - what should have a resting place of peace & calm - and wondered, "In this insane age, how are we called to respond?"

The answer came to me,  quietly yet with absolute certainty.  Whatever the situation, however dire or fear-filled it appears, we should trust & allow ourselves to fall softly into the moment.  To fear not, no matter how counter-intuitive that feels.  To breathe deeply, love profoundly, trust with a full & open heart.  Above all, to keep that open heart.  

Because that is what the forces of darkness want us to do - to close over our hearts.  To judge, to worry, to fear for ourselves &  even more for our loved ones.  As bad as it gets, fall softly into the moment.

It worked.  When scary thoughts swept toward me, I stayed soft, kept my heart open & my mind clear.  And I fell back to sleep.

It's helped me all day - fall softly back into the moment.  keep my heart open, be present to loving.


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