Monday, July 18, 2016

Rep Steve King - unread, uninteligent, unbelievable

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Another astonishing moment from the GOP Convention.  Tonight, appearing as part of an MSNBC panel, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) gave an impassioned statement about the overall superiority of White America compared to any other "sub-group." 

"This 'old white people' business does get a little tired.  I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you're talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?"

A clearly stunned Chris Hayes asked, "Than white people?"

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Rep. King replied, "Than Western civilization itself.  It's rooted in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the United States of America and every place where the footprint of Christianity settled the world. That's all of Western civilization."

Hmmmm....  Let's see...  This high school history & science teacher casts her vote for the Chinese, who were steeped in STEM when Marco Polo dropped by for a cup of tea.  Or maybe the Indian sub-continent suv group, for their heritage of culture science architecture. Or perhaps a vote - with thanks - to the Muslim Arabs who made STEM break throughs ~AND~ preserved at least a fraction of the treasures of the ancient Greek & Roman minds that European Christianity was hell-bent on destroying as heretical to the True Faith. 

Now that I think of it, the three sub-groups that Rep. King paints as sub-par also managed to produce great religions, something the white "sub group" hasn't. 

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Rep. King - - unread, unintelligent, unbelievable. 

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