Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How have the mighty fallen

Image result for donald trump president

Did not sleep well last night.  Strange dreams, only one of which I can recall.  Was in a church service, sitting next to John in a filled cathedral.  Was standing, singing, when I was aware that everyone in the church was looking at me.  I wasn't singing, I was screaming.

That's how I feel, these days, listening to people who are supposedly intelligent human beings compare Hillary Clinton's use of a personal e-mail server for State Department business with OJ Simpson murdering two people.  

When someone I've never considered even remotely an intelligent person tweet that the president of the United States better watch his back because Real America is coming after him - and not a single GOP leader calls him out for it, a major news network invites him to discuss it.  

But, most of all, when intelligent friends of mine support a candidate who unabashedly, proudly acts like the worst sort of school yard bully, when they trust a grandiose braggart who is most comfortable talking about himself, who childishly calls people by mean-spirited names.

 Image result for donald trump president

As a people, we used to expect our best politicians to call out the best in us.  How have the mighty fallen that the Republican party has rolled over for someone who is as petty, self-absorbed & flagrantly unqualified as Donald Trump.  

I don't like Hillary Clinton.  Don't like her voice, her sense of entitlement, her need for control.  But she is not the devil incarnate, as many of my conservative friends believe her to be.  She has experience, she knows policy, she is respected around the world if not at home.  And for my conservative friends to find Donald Trump a more stable candidate for the presidency than HRC - well, God help the United States, because half her citizenry has lost its mind.

 Image result for donald trump president

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