Wednesday, September 23, 2015

chilling indictment

Image result for gop field

It's rare I've been so reduced to "HUH?" as I was yesterday, reading in Carly Fiorina's indictment of progressives for fighting a bill changing birth control's status from prescription-only to over-the-counter (otc).  Seriously?  Shouldn't that have been reversed??

Image result for carly fiorina

Turns out, there are two bills addressing improved access to medicinal birth control in the congressional pipeline.  With two very different outcomes.  Under the Democratic bill, the meds would still be covered under the Affordable Care Act;  under the GOP, they would be treated like other otc drugs & excluded from coverage.  The age differential - no age limit v. over 18 only - is of less consequence to me than the impact of the status change on coverage.

I've always balked at the clumsy term, "GOP war on women."  But the push to reclassify birth control as otc, a status that would be excluded from benefit coverage, is a chilling indictment of the party's unwavering twin desires of gutting the ACA & reducing access to medicinal birth control, which countless conservatives consider on the same par as abortion.

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