Over the past two weeks, it's been reinforced that when people get caught up in all the drama & rush of words following an important moment, it's all too easy to forget just what that important moment was.
Donald Trump will not apologize to the Khan family for disrespectful comments he made because Mr. Khan started it first, attacking him from the Democratic Convention podium. So, do you remember what it was he said about the GOP candidate? Did he "viciously" attack Hilary's opponent?
Actually, being a very good lawyer, Mr. Khan laid out his points then posed the rest as questions, not statements:
"Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one."
Mr. Khan did not state, he asked. Any lawyer or political consultant would have advised his client to not rise to the bait, to simpy issue a statement along the lines of, "My heart goes out to Mr. & Mrs. Khan on their son's death, a true American hero who gave his life protecting his men & his country. To Mr. Khan - yes, I have read the Constitution. Although I do not keep it in my breast pocket, it is as dear to my heart as it is to yours. As for sacrifice, it is true - God had blessed me with with a remarkable life, with three children who have never been in harm's way, as your son, Humayun, was. I cannot experience your sacrifice, but I fully respect & honor it."
And leave it at that. It diffuses & moves on. End of controversy.
But that wouldn't be The Donald. Asked about his response to the comments, he made light of them, noting that Mr. Khan seemed "very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me.” Then he went waaaay over the line of common decency, focusing on Mrs. Khan having stood silent by her husband, throwing it out that perhaps she was allowed to speak, that maybe her faith forbade her to speak. The Donald, on being asked if he'd sacrificed things (presumably for a greater good), responded that he had. When asked for specifics, they were a) working hard, very hard, b) creating tens of thousands of jobs, c) helping get a memorial built.
That is what the hubbub is about. Or was, until he joked about a vet giving him the Purple Heart the man had been awarded.
Mr. Khan posed a question - two questions, actually - and Donald Trump's response to them seemed to awaken America from its stupor, its willingness to give every outrageous mean-spirited gross thing out of his mouth a pass.
Donald Trump's response to the Khans, his jocular response to being
given a medal awarded for being wounded in battle, his inability to do
the smart thing because it matters more to him that he be allowed to
shoot off his mouth - if you can read that & still give him your
vote, then you deserve whatever you get. The problem is, I don't. My
niece & nephews don't. My great-nieces certainly don't.
Mr. Khan asked his questions & if to those planning on voting for Donald Trump, knowing all we know, then I have one, too - "How do you not see that his callous disregard for the Khans, for their sacrifice, extends beyond those two to all of us? Our votes matter. Our selves?
Mr. Khan asked his questions & if to those planning on voting for Donald Trump, knowing all we know, then I have one, too - "How do you not see that his callous disregard for the Khans, for their sacrifice, extends beyond those two to all of us? Our votes matter. Our selves?
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