I admit it - am regretting my last post. What I thought was interesting, even perversely amusing, on reflection turns out to be just sad.
It's genuinely heartbreaking to see someone people worldwide admired as an exceptional, inspiring human being. Spectacularly accomplished, singularly uplifting. But the fate that so many of us feared for someone revered as an honorable man is turning out to be happening.
Today, he got into a back & forth with CNN commentator, Alisyn Camerota. As reported at The Blaze:
His Claims of Violent Juvenile Past

“This is a bunch of lies… I think
it’s pathetic,” former neurosurgeon says before praising Fox News as the
“counterbalance” that keeps the U.S. from becoming Cuba
Ben Carson fired back at CNN on Friday for its “pathetic”
investigation into his claims of being a violent child, and railed
against what he deemed a corrupt media.CNN interviewed nine of the GOP candidate’s former classmates and friends for an investigation which found no evidence to support his stories of violent acts toward family and friends as a juvenile.
“What makes you think you’re going to find those specific people?” Carson asked CNN’s Alisyn Camerota during an interview on “New Day.”
Carson claimed CNN spoke to people who knew him years after he committed violent acts. In response to why he declined to offer CNN evidence to back up claims of attacking family and friends as a juvenile, he said he didn’t want to victimize those people.
“This is a bunch of lies… I think it’s pathetic,” Carson said, claiming CNN is fishing for a scandal that doesn’t exist.
Carson then got into a tense exchange with Camerota over what he deemed widespread media bias, going as far as suggesting that without Fox News, the U.S. would be like Cuba.
“The general mainstream media all seems to move in a secular progressive direction,” he said.
“They would like to create a narrative that certain things are good and certain things are bad according to the way that they see them,” he continued, then praising one network for offering a counterbalance.
“We’d be Cuba if there were no Fox News,” he said. Camerota pushed back, asking Carson if he thought the U.S. was Communist before 2001, when Fox News took off ratings wise.
“If we didn’t have that counterbalance [Fox News] — I wish we didn’t need that counterbalance,” Carson continued, adding that the media is supposed to be neutral but has become “very partisan and very ideological.”
His Claims of Violent Juvenile Past

“This is a bunch of lies… I think
it’s pathetic,” former neurosurgeon says before praising Fox News as the
“counterbalance” that keeps the U.S. from becoming Cuba
Ben Carson fired back at CNN on Friday for its “pathetic”
investigation into his claims of being a violent child, and railed
against what he deemed a corrupt media.CNN interviewed nine of the GOP candidate’s former classmates and friends for an investigation which found no evidence to support his stories of violent acts toward family and friends as a juvenile.
“What makes you think you’re going to find those specific people?” Carson asked CNN’s Alisyn Camerota during an interview on “New Day.”
Carson claimed CNN spoke to people who knew him years after he committed violent acts. In response to why he declined to offer CNN evidence to back up claims of attacking family and friends as a juvenile, he said he didn’t want to victimize those people.
“This is a bunch of lies… I think it’s pathetic,” Carson said, claiming CNN is fishing for a scandal that doesn’t exist.
Carson then got into a tense exchange with Camerota over what he deemed widespread media bias, going as far as suggesting that without Fox News, the U.S. would be like Cuba.
“The general mainstream media all seems to move in a secular progressive direction,” he said.
“They would like to create a narrative that certain things are good and certain things are bad according to the way that they see them,” he continued, then praising one network for offering a counterbalance.
“We’d be Cuba if there were no Fox News,” he said. Camerota pushed back, asking Carson if he thought the U.S. was Communist before 2001, when Fox News took off ratings wise.
“If we didn’t have that counterbalance [Fox News] — I wish we didn’t need that counterbalance,” Carson continued, adding that the media is supposed to be neutral but has become “very partisan and very ideological.”
His Claims of Violent Juvenile Past

“This is a bunch of lies… I think
it’s pathetic,” former neurosurgeon says before praising Fox News as the
“counterbalance” that keeps the U.S. from becoming Cuba
Ben Carson fired back at CNN on Friday for its “pathetic”
investigation into his claims of being a violent child, and railed
against what he deemed a corrupt media.CNN interviewed nine of the GOP candidate’s former classmates and friends for an investigation which found no evidence to support his stories of violent acts toward family and friends as a juvenile.
“What makes you think you’re going to find those specific people?” Carson asked CNN’s Alisyn Camerota during an interview on “New Day.”
Carson claimed CNN spoke to people who knew him years after he committed violent acts. In response to why he declined to offer CNN evidence to back up claims of attacking family and friends as a juvenile, he said he didn’t want to victimize those people.
“This is a bunch of lies… I think it’s pathetic,” Carson said, claiming CNN is fishing for a scandal that doesn’t exist.
Carson then got into a tense exchange with Camerota over what he deemed widespread media bias, going as far as suggesting that without Fox News, the U.S. would be like Cuba.
“The general mainstream media all seems to move in a secular progressive direction,” he said.
“They would like to create a narrative that certain things are good and certain things are bad according to the way that they see them,” he continued, then praising one network for offering a counterbalance.
“We’d be Cuba if there were no Fox News,” he said. Camerota pushed back, asking Carson if he thought the U.S. was Communist before 2001, when Fox News took off ratings wise.
“If we didn’t have that counterbalance [Fox News] — I wish we didn’t need that counterbalance,” Carson continued, adding that the media is supposed to be neutral but has become “very partisan and very ideological.”
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Camerota said. “Fox News came to dominance in 2001. You think before 2001 the U.S. was a communist country?”
Feeling the anchor was already taking his words out of context, Carson suggested she unknowingly made his point about media bias.
Carson replied sharply, “That’s not what I said, but that’s what you guys love to do.”
When Camerota began interrupting him, Carson cut her off and told her to “listen” so he could explain the meaning of his remarks.
“What I am saying is that the general mainstream media all seems to move in a secular progressive direction,” Carson said. “You know, they would like to create a narrative that certain things are good and certain things are bad according to the way that they see them. And by being able to be the bully pulpit so to speak…you can get a lot of people to start thinking the way that you do.”
But then Fox News came along and offered an “alternative” viewpoint, Carson said.
“If we didn’t have that counterbalance — I wish we didn’t need that counterbalance,” he added. “The media is supposed to be neutral and they’re supposed to be on the side of the people…but because they have become very partisan and very ideological, you need to have a counterbalance.”
A friend of mine who's passionate about politics regrettably gets all his news from Fox, "because it's the only news outlet that's genuinely fair & balanced." There is no convincing him of anything else. Did I try explaining to him that even non-liberal news outlets like Business Insider reported that Fox News viewers are more poorly informed than people who didn't watch any news shows? He'd never believe it.
I don't expect better from my friend. But I should from Dr. Carson.
How many Democrats do you find who call MSNBC anything close to fair & balanced? They recognize it for what it is - a liberal echo chamber, not much better than Fox is one for the right. Progressives get our information from a number of sources, including radio & the internet; the right pledges its loyalties to Fox News & only to Fox. Small wonder, since they, like my friend, are convinced it is the one & only place they'll find balance.
For Dr. Carson to claim that only Fox News stopped the US from suffering a fate worse than death - "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News." - shows that the brilliant surgeon limits his own viewing to a news outlet that will leave him twisting in the wind during the upcoming debates.
I regret my last posting. Dr. Carson is to be pitied, not pilloried, his legacy forever tainted & tarnished by what's unfolding. It is a tragedy.
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