Marco Rubio to CNN's Sara Murray: We'll need to learn more, but I'm disturbed that while Planned Parenthood, who are the ones that were actually selling off these (body) parts were found having done nothing wrong, the people who tried to expose them are the ones that are now facing criminal charges.
Well, ya see, Sen. Rubio, the reason that Planned Parenthood managed to get off the hook is because they were this littl' ol' thing called INNOCENT. Not quite sure how I can explain this in simple enough words that the honorable gentleman from Florida can grasp. Will try.
The Houston grand jury probe was requested by Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who was clear about the outcome he expected - “The people of America and the people of Texas will not accept this callous attitude toward human life, and I will not accept it.” - when he announced the investigation at a press conference last August.
Oops. The grand jury cleared Planned Parenthood of allegations that they'd set out to profit from the sale of fetal tissue. Like the other thirteen states investigating Planned Parenthood, it found zip zero zilch evidence of any illegal activity.
But they didn't stop there. Turns out the videographers who set out to uncover dirty doin's at Planned Parenthood found no proof of dastardly deeds, so they did what any sensible muck racker would do. They fabricated it.
Yup - as the entire world learned soon after the release of the tawdry videos (but a stunning # of conservatives can't process), the videos were HEAVILY edited. How heavily, you may ask? Well, some scenes included footage that weren't of aborted fetuses, while the most inflammatory bits were picked up on the internet, had NO connection. Again, none of this is news - we learned it soon after the tapes were released.
Praise be, what worked with ACORN didn't fly with Planned Parenthood. The doctored videos were just as ludicrously phony. Back then, by the time it they were irrefutably uncovered as fake, the damage had been done, the group busted up by false allegations.
This time the grand jury not only cleared Planned Parenthood, they indicted David Daleiden & Sandra Merrit for tampering with a government record, a twist the Center for Medical Progress (which produced the series) didn't see coming.
In a statement release issued after the indictments were handed down, the Center for Medical Progress notes:
Center for Medical Progress uses the same undercover techniques that
investigative journalists have used for decades in exercising our First
Amendment rights to freedom of speech and of the press, and follows all
applicable laws.
Perhaps it can be chalked up to the center underwriting phony journalists, but the First Amendment does NOT make it okey dokey to use any methods necessary to get a story. Daleiden & Merrit falsified government IDs in order to enter legally restricted areas.
Their argument - any & all means should be accepted in pursuit of a doctored story - didn't play with the Houston grand jury, but it makes points with the politicos running for the GOP presidential nod. Sen. Rubio, you're in good company exonerating Dave & Sandy, blasting PP. So has Carly, Mike & Ben. Unlike that Texas grand jury, y'all don't care where the evidence leads.
People who want to serve as our Chief Executive, who want to serve the nation to the best of their ability, united in their refusal to accept facts they just don't like. Beyond belief.
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